Monday, February 14, 2005


Home again - 2nd Monday done !!

Well after a looooooooong drive to the U this a.m. - we left RF late (7am) due to snow in the driveway, and then hit a BIG back-up of traffic...we knew we were in trouble when we were already at a crawl near the Woodbury exit, but finally we made it to the clinic, I dropped Scott at the front door of the Masonic Clinic at 8:50 a.m. - only 50 minutes late.

His blood counts were good (down from last week though) for treatment , the drugs will lower all his counts, they expect this. His weight is also down though...that is not so good, his radiation Dr. gave him a talking to though, she said now that food IS medicine, and sometimes medicine does not taste good, so he better eat, even if it tastes like cardboard, so again.....he has to eat, eat, eat, high calories...anything we stopped at Culver's cheeseburger and malt, he even liked it :-)

Tomorrow our radiation appt. is at 10:30...let's hope for a good restful night tonight, good roads tomorrow, and we'll do it all again!!

Happy Valentine's Day.

All our love... Roxane & Scott

2 Comments: - Post a Comment
Glad to hear that a cheeseburger went down easily. Keep eating and get fatter(If that's what the doc says.)

We're leaving for Florida tomorrow to visit one of our boys(38 yrs old.) We'll be back about March 5.

Keep making the doc happy.

Yvonne and Ross
hey scott and roxie! so you need to eat more, well just remember CHEESE PIZZA. OVER THE YEARS YOU MUST OF ATE A TRUCK FULL. So get back at it Roxie if you wanted to give scott a good valentines treat, tomorrow go to the back yard pack up 10 snow balls, and run back and forth while scott throws them at you. Every time he hits you, You have to kiss him. Oh yes! by the way Roxie your naked (makes you run faster) This morning I was 10 for 10, and Lauire was cold. Thinking of you always Love dirt.
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