Monday, May 23, 2005


Finish line in sight....

Week 6 is the new "ball" all set for the final week, next Tuesday, Scott will be "free" for a while.

A beautiful sunny day to enjoy a nice ride up and back!!

We had a message on the phone when we got home regarding the upcoming EUS on the 3rd...we left them a message and now are wondering what is we will have to wait until tomorrow, no call back yet.

Have a good week everyone....long weekend coming up!!!


2 Comments: - Post a Comment
Glad to hear your doing OK Scott. Still thinking of you. All the best.
Jim McCarthy
Hey tar feet and roxie, everything going good for you guys and im so glad to here that! oN YOUR LAST WEEK AND YOUR DOING GREAT. Well I got home late tonight and I have to tell you that I saw the light. I was on my train, and im pretty sure It was Fort Mccoy Testing out a new plane of some sort, but It was kind of spooky, I was loking for Rod Serling from the twlight Zone to step into the cab of the engine, but we were going 35mph, and I dont think he's that fast, plus he's dead. Anyway I saw a light in the sky, and it stayed there for a little while, and i asked the other guy im with if he saw it, and of coarse it went out. But it came back on ,and he saw it which made me feel better. The one light turned into three lights at an angle to the left and then three lights came on the right side at an angle and it looked like a V going thru the sky then It went out. And that was It. Im not Kidding. Except for the fact that something turned the guy im working with into what looked like a large penis. Love ya and give me a call tomorrow. Im going to bed now. DIRT
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