Monday, July 18, 2005


Surprise...No more staples :-)

Hi Everyone - Yesterday we had to call Dr. Sielaff because there was some drainage from Scott's incision site in one spot, the Dr. prescribed an antibiotic and we were told to come in to see him today. So off we go in heavy traffic @ 6:50 a.m. to make it in to Abbott by 8 (no way)...we did make it by 8:15 though. Marie, RN thought the incision looked good, quite a improvement from yesterday, and perhaps, depending on what Dr. Sielaff says, staples could come out early (just 10 days). Well...out they came!!! Scott was just taped back up and sent home with a bandage and other maintenance goodies for care of the site, Dr. Sielaff, and his assistant Dr. Greg wished us well and expects not to see us again, his job is done!! :-)

We thanked him again for his work, he said it was a pleasure and thanked us. Dr. Sielaff signed Scott's work release for "back to work" on August 16th....just one catch...we see Dr. Greeno August 15th...we are thinking one more round of chemo first...but look out RR guys....he might be coming back quicker than originally we thought!!!

So it has been another GREAT DAY!!!


3 Comments: - Post a Comment
Hey Scotty;

Great news that your staples are out and your recovering well. I was in Minnesota last week and Jim Kastner told me of your status and Jack Johnson sent me the Hedrington home page to keep track of your status. Hang in there Scott, looking forward to future updates.
So great to read your news. Isn't modern medicine amazing? Good weekend at WB, except that the heat has overtaken Roseburg. It is near 100 today. Was 75 at WB yesterday, so we knew it was really bad inland. Leave for Sun Valley, Idaho, on Sat. Hope it is not so hot there. Take care and talk to you soon. Love, cousin Kris
So great to read your news. Isn't modern medicine amazing? Good weekend at WB, except that the heat has overtaken Roseburg. It is near 100 today. Was 75 at WB yesterday, so we knew it was really bad inland. Leave for Sun Valley, Idaho, on Sat. Hope it is not so hot there. Take care and talk to you soon. Love, cousin Kris
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