Tuesday, November 15, 2005


At the Clinic today...

Scott has not been feeling the best the past several days, so today we visited the clinic and saw Tanya, NP. She had spoken with Dr. Greeno (he is out of town at the conference) earlier and they discussed what to do regarding Scott. After his exam Scott was given 3 liters of fluids by IV and a CT was also ordered at 6pm today. We hope to get CT results tomorrow and further action plan.

The weather did cooperated and the drive home was not bad, just wet, it is still trying to snow now. When we know more I will blog again.


2 Comments: - Post a Comment
We hope Scott gets to feeling better and the CT results will help make that likely. I think he helped the Packers get on the mend. So with the help of Scruffy and a positive attitude, he'll get on the mend also.

Yvonne and Ross
Hope the extra fluids helped you to feel a little better. I'll be anxious to know what the CT scan said. I am off traveling again, this time to Brookings, a small coastal town here in Oregon. Need to go do a report on the Convention I attended in Vancouver, B.C. in October We finished the coast house this passed weekend---FINALLY! Well, we do need to paint, but that won't be until we get about a 4 day window of good weather. Who knows when that will be, but at least we don't have to go over every weekend anymore. I'll write again next week. Take care. Love, cousin Kris
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